Similar words: spread out, spread, widespread, over and over, hand over, head on, ahead of, instead of. Meaning: v. form a cover over.

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91 Payments have been unevenly spread over commodities, countries, and time.
92 Removing sheep and cattle in an attempt to restore Santa Cruz Island, Calif., for example, let nonnative plants spread over the landscape unchecked.
93 Pork gazed at it reverently and slowly delight spread over his face.
94 Evolution is a process that results in heritable changes in a population spread over many generations.
95 The positive charge in the atom is spread over the whole atomic volume.
96 Efficiency improves as the cost of maintenance is spread over progressively more weight gain.
97 DMMP can also be configured in active/active mode in which I/O is spread over all the paths in a round-robin fashion.
98 For example, if you look at the log produced by the postfix mail transfer agent (MTA), you can see that the information for a single message is spread over a number of lines (see Listing 1).
99 Tsunami wavelength than the maximum depth of the ocean even greater orbital motion near the seabed are not subject to much block, regardless of the depth of oceans, waves can be spread over the past.
100 However, for the composite load has the characteristics of complex composition, random time variance and spread over different area[ over.html], its exact mathematics model is still not built up.
101 The individual particles are spread over an increasingly wide interval.
102 Astronomical research began to spread over the whole range of electromagnetic waves.
103 This group consisted of 1,000 large rocks, again spread over an elongated zone, whose outline Evenson this time compared to a pickle or gherkin, 8 kilometres long by 2 kilometres wide.
104 Port Orange, south of Daytona Beach, has a population of more than 50, 000, living in 150 neighborhoods and spread over 26 miles.
105 Oats spread over Europe and Asia as weed - like mixtures in barley and wheat.
106 The power beam is spread over a large rectenna covering a large field.
107 Certain motile flagellated bacteria can rapidly spread over the slightly moist surface.
108 For the slow - growing pig the same maintenance cost is spread over half the productive gain.
109 Opening The New York Times on Friday morning, I blinked.The headline on its lead story, spread over two columns, blared out, "Obama's Economic View Is Rejected on World Stage.
110 I was thinking of payment by installments spread over a series of years.
111 Sweet-scented thymes and blushing anemones spread over the verdure in delicate bloom and filled the air with their fragrance.
112 So it's not the sail area that matters when deciding between a sloop and a ketch, but differences resulting from having that area spread over three rather than two sails.
113 The Spanish spread the (cultivation of) Yam bean into Philippines in the next half of the 16th century. Since then it spread over the southeastern Asia from Philippines.
114 In effecting recharge by flooding , water is spread over the land surface in a thin sheet.
115 By 2007, the disease had spread over more than half of the devils' home range there.
116 A thick layer of wax was spread over the surface.
117 In that event, a cloud of radioactive dust spread over parts of Ukraine and Belarus, triggering a surge in cancer and birth defects.
118 Researchers monitoring the spread of the blue-green algae said such blooms had spread over the Baltic Sea each summer for decades.
More similar words: spread out, spread, widespread, over and over, hand over, head on, ahead of, instead of, head office, ahead of time, read, bread, ahead of schedule, thread, reader, dreaded, readily, get ready, reading, breadth, already, over, already in, cover, lover, preach, covert, get over, go over, overall.